To: Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA and other eye research centres around the world I am 19 years old, studying in Singapore. The floaters got me last year november, 2002. Since then, life is terrible and unenjoyable. Went to two local eye centers but was told that the floaters will be there for the REST OF MY LIFE. Having doubts about their statements, I searched the internet for solutions on floaters and came across this BBS, This was a great relive to me because I thought I am the only person who got this "weird" eye problem which I have never heard anybody mention before. I read through the BBS and found that many people are suffering from floaters that are much serious than mine. Eventhough my case is less serious, that does'nt mean I can overcome it. I still got the entopic phenomenon too. Half a year has past, and I am still suffering from floaters and entopic phenomenon, feel like giving up on life. I felt that I have wasted my teenage years due to this, I don't have the mood to do anything including studies and no confident to woo the girl I like, despite the encouragement from some of the forum posters. Currently I know of two methods to remove the floaters, Vitrectomy and Laser procedures, which is done by only two professionals around the world. But not many people when for those two procedures, instead they tried alternatives treatment such as supplements and eyedrops for long term basis. Too, i tried some of the supplements, but to no avail. Just as I browse through the forum, I came across this url, Sincerely, |
La lettera ,semplice, personale e nel contempo così rappresentativa di tanta gente sofferente di opacità vitreali, ha suscitato una immediata e diffusa condivisione delle motivazioni del giovane studente e ha indotto una altrettanto numerosa e inaspettata mobilitazione.
Quale migliore occasione poteva presentarsi in futuro per dimostrare l’esistenza di questa affezione, e evidenziarne numericamente la reale diffusione ? Quale altra iniziativa poteva presentarsi per ottenere la necessaria attenzione per un problema così minimizzato e poter concretamente orientare la ricerca di un’importante istituzione accademica ?
La petizione fu ospitata nel forum floaterstalk del sito pub44.ezboard.
Si incominciarono a raccogliere le adesioni dall’aprile del 2003.
A Gennaio 2005 si contavano 5160 firme in totale ,un successo impensabile!
In tutti i siti e forum dove si parlava di oculistica, si riversarono e si moltiplicarono i commenti di persone sofferenti di opacità vitreali.
Ecco riportato un esempio di quanto pubblicato allora ,che ha tanto impressionato i curatori del sito “Centre di refractive excellence”